In 2012 I first joined the MU0HTJ team for the IOTA contest. In 2013 I returned and was on the air for a little while outside the contest. This year we entered Multi-Single but with a multiplier radio, and consequently there was a lot more work to do and not a lot of extra time to do it.
I was the token CW operator and logged 873 of the total 1500 QSOs in around 9 hours in the chair. This year we managed the rota such that there was CW on each band, this worked a lot better and we should have much improved our standings.
This snap was captured by Mark M0MJH on a vintage camera and subsequently scanned by Pete 2E0SQL.
Outside of the contest I managed to work around 150 QSOs as MU0PCB on various bands using a Force-12 Sigma-5 vertical dipole and a KX3 with 100W external amplifier. Most of the operating was done from the car on battery power, with around 75W of power output. Conditions were a bit cramped, but the bands were in pretty good shape.