This year for VHF NFD I was busy during the Saturday sessions so decided just to get some time in on the 70MHz band during the Sunday morning session. I was late getting to the usual spot in IO81VT due to a variety of things, not least of which was down to my lack of organisation.
Once I had sorted out the DC power and auxiliary battery in the car, integrated the new TE Systems 0610G 140W amplifier with the IC-7100 and fitted the radio back into the car then I made it to site by 1130 BST.
I made 26 QSOs using both SSB and CW with 5 DXCCs worked (G, GI, EI, GW, GU) didn’t hear any GM or any stations from the continent. Was a little lower than normal as the usual high spot was already in use for parking by the time I got there. The equipment all worked well, and gradually I am approaching a reasonable portable fit-out in the car, though I still have a way to go.
Obligatory map, but I am pleased with the score, and it feels about the right number for the relatively short time I was QRV.